التأصيل الجتماعي لظاهرة أطفال الشوارع المعرضون للانحراف (العدد الأول- المجلد الثاني 2024)

2nd Volume 2024- 1st issue
الأربعاء, أبريل 24, 2024

The current research was entitled “The Social Rooting of the Phenomenon of Street
Children Who Are Prone to Deviance” A Field Study in Hadar, Gharbia Governorate,
“and the objectives of the research were represented in a main goal of identifying
the nature of the phenomenon of street children who are exposed to deviance
through field reality,” from which several sub-objectives branch out:
1.Identifying the personal characteristics of street children who are vulnerable to
2.Identifying the family background of street children who are vulnerable to
3.Detecting the factors that contribute to the spread of the phenomenon of street
children who are vulnerable to delinquency.
4.Identifying ways to confront the phenomenon of street children who are vulnerable
to delinquency.