تربية و زراعة بعض أنواع النحل البري الملقح لطيف واسع من النباتات

2nd Volume 2024- 1st issue
الأربعاء, مايو 1, 2024


Our research science is focused on studying the physical and chemical properties of ozmia cornuta and osmia Rufa) and where these two people were living with a wide, beautiful crop of crop crops in 6 cities from the Crimea in Russia, the nearby black and sea in the mountainous heights. The places are Simferopol (capital of the Red Costuulous Republic of the Crima), the Red Forest, the Nearc.Stapo, the Saina and SiveaTop Farms are located in the farms of the Black Sea, the streets and the beach Al-Washta in the Crusader of the Clari Island. The tension of the severity and all the tools and requirements of the research were prepared by two years of study in the year (11/2021).